Intentifiers Podcast

Explore how being intentional can help humans create solid connections in their work and beyond.

Our guests are individuals of all walks of life, who have unlocked doors for themselves and others by discovering what influences their root intentions. From founders, entrepreneurs, and team leads to creatives, healers, and coaches, these stories will inspire, delight, teach, and remind us that we are all human.


What is an

An Intentifier is a person who connects with other humans through self-reflection and an innate desire to do things a better way. They are life-long learners who actively and purposefully evolve from their lived experiences. 

Intentifiers see humans as beautifully imperfect systems trying to navigate the world around them. 

Guided by their life purpose and values, Intentifiers seek to understand what drives their motivations—their “why”. This discovery work empowers them to lead a more fulfilling life, making a positive impact on their own trajectory and those of everyone around them.

Interested in sharing your story of intent on the Intentifiers podcast?